Prepare for Lift Off!

Last time I gave you a list of tips and tricks you can use to make your Word of Mouth (WOM) program work for you. Hopefully you’ve had some time to reflect and identified the ones that best fit your company, products, services and target customers, so you can put them to work. We will […]

Put it to Work!

In the last post we explained how to conduct Word of Mouth (WOM) research and then put that research into action. Today we’re going to provide you with some proven ways to use WOM when building and executing your campaign. The list below are some proven ways to use WOM that have been offered by […]

Search and Implement

People tend to only remember the extraordinary. You need to ensure your ideas and marketing reflect the extraordinary. This doesn’t mean you have to have a product or service that is completely out of the norm, in fact, this could easily drive customers away. Rather, your product or service must be high quality and easily […]

Decoding Word of Mouth Messages

Today’s lesson will focus on how Word of Mouth (WOM) messages are delivered and what you can do to influence those messages. There are essentially 3 methods of WOM: Expert to Expert Expert to Peer Peer to Peer When experts are discussing your products and/or services you will most likely receive a noticeable increase in […]

Harnessing the Power of Word of Mouth Marketing

Today we’re going to discuss how to harness the power of Word of Mouth (WOM). This will include the six-step process to success and the 30+ ways to harness the power of WOM. So now that I have your attention, let’s get started! There are six steps to harnessing WOM: Understand your customers’ values and […]

Word of Mouth Marketing – Part 1

Today we’ll start a new series topic on Word of Mouth and how it can make or break your business in the blink of an eye. In this first lesson we will provide a clear definition of word of mouth and what it means for your business. Word of Mouth is easily the most powerful […]

How to Multiply on Maximizing Your Resources – Part 3

The last few posts have focused on how to multiply the resources that you’ve worked hard to maximize. Just to review, here is what we have covered so far: Call in the Troops Bring ‘Em Out of the Woodwork Black Sheep Clients Olympic-Sized Sales Staff Open Water Fishing Call for Back-Up Today we are going […]

How to Multiply on Maximizing Your Resources – Part 2

Last time we outlined how to start multiplying on the resources you worked on maximizing. We covered the following areas: Call in the Troops Bring ‘Em Out of the Woodwork Black Sheep Clients Today we are going to look at the next three: Olympic-Sized Sales Staff Open Water Fishing Call for Back-Up Olympic-Sized Sales Staff […]

How to Multiply on Maximizing Your Resources – Part 1

The next series of posts will cover how to take maximizing resources and multiply them for even greater results. In this first of our four part series we’ll cover: Call in the Troops; Bring ‘Em Out of the Woodwork; Black Sheep Clients. Call in the Troops Finding and securing new clients can be exhausting and […]

Killer Mistakes – Part 2

In the last post we covered the first two of the 5 biggest mistakes you can make in dealing with big fish clients. Today we’ll cover the third and fourth ones: Taking on More Than You Can Handle and All Your Eggs in One Basket Taking on More Than You Can Handle When you take […]