Killer Mistakes – Part 2

In the last post we covered the first two of the 5 biggest mistakes you can make in dealing with big fish clients. Today we’ll cover the third and fourth ones: Taking on More Than You Can Handle and All Your Eggs in One Basket Taking on More Than You Can Handle When you take […]

5 Killer Mistakes – Part 1

There are 5 big mistakes that will kill a deal with a big fish. They are: Not meeting the client’s expectations; Mishandling a client crisis; Taking on more than you can handle; Putting all your eggs in one basket; Up cash creek without a paddle. Any one or combination of these may not only kill […]

Keep Up the Momentum

The last post focused on negotiating with your big fish and how you can nurture and build on the relationships you are creating. Today we’ll discuss the power your fish has and how to utilize that for your benefit. One of the most important aspects of this is to keep your cheerleader cheering. This refers […]

Become One With the Fish

The previous post started our series on catching big clients, or “fish”, which will sustain your business over the long run. Today we’re going to take that a step further by exploring how to turn your mind to think like a big fish company and how that can help you plan your approach and find […]

Are You on The Right Path?

There are a number of factors to take into consideration when prepping yourself and your company to approach the largest clients you may ever work with. Today we will begin with a brief look at the three paths every business faces and show you which one is the path to success. Then we’ll talk about […]

Are You Growing by 1%?

The Rule of 1% is simply defined as improving your customer service one percent at a time. Before you can do this, you must perfect your consistency or this growth will never be realized. One percent may seem small, but if you approach the vision for your company with baby steps, you have the potential […]

Deliver + 1

In the last post we discussed how to figure out what your customers want in order to experience a positive shopping experience. Today we will go over the concept of Deliver +1 and how this can elevate your customer service to the next level. I’ve decided to split up this post, so the next one […]

Another Secret Revealed

In the last post we outlined the first secret to building a solid customer service plan and how to establish your vision for your business. Today we will discuss the second secret in elevating your satisfied customers to raving fans. It is imperative that you know what your customers want. Familiarize yourself with who your […]

Positive Customer Service

Customer service is a hot topic and can make or break your business. Consumers have little patience for poor customer service and easily get tired of waiting in long lines, trying to get a live person on the line, going through an interrogation to return something, or trying to communicate through a language barrier. If […]

Turn Prospects into Customers Overnight!

Today we will be exploring how to turn prospects into customers and retain them for future marketing purposes. While your marketing efforts are working to identify prospects, you need to figure out how to turn those prospects into customers. There are a few key ways to draw prospects in and seal the deal. You need […]